Working with Hydraulics - RAS 2D

Hydraulic Simulation of Logan River Kunzler Reach

Tyler Allred (Allred Restoration) was generous enough to prepare a Hydraulic model (HEC-RAS2d) of this year’s restoration reach for us.

GIS Files of RAS2D Outputs

See also these videos for a sense of what the area looks like in high flows from 2017.

Reference Resources

Here is expanded set of slides from a workshop Peter and Joe taught, where the grading excercise was extended to run a hydraulic model on.

If you wish to use the HEC-RAS 2D model yourself, you may find the West Consultants manual helpful:

Course on hydraulics and open channel flow are highly recommended to build your theoretical understanding and proficiency in running hydraulic models. You might find the resoursces on Fluvial Hydraulics a helpful resource. There are a variety of tutorials for running 2D hydraulic models you can find there: