Synopsis of Topic
There are many different approaches to restoration planning. Most approaches have similar elements, but the organization and wording varies. In the context of the Logan River Task Force, we specifically consider the Conservation Action Planning process developed by the Nature Conservancy. This process was used by the Logan River Task Force for general planning for the Logan River between First Dam and Cutler Reservoir.
Why we’re covering it
To learn more about the restoration process, by looking at a real restoration project currently in construction and learning from working practitioners about this process.
Learning Outcomes
- Build a working understanding of the typical process through which restoration projects are conceived, proposed, planned, permitted and conceptually designed.
Joe’s Slides on Restoration Process & Principles
We started out with an overivew of the restoration process and review of principles
2017 & 2018:
Peter’s Slides
- Logan River CAP Table-
Logan River Conservation Action Plan.xlsx
Relevant or Cited Literature
Conservation Action Planning
- TNC, 2007. Conservation Action Planning Handbook: Developing Strategies, Taking Action and Measuring Success at Any Scale. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA.
- TNC, 2007. Conservation Action Planning: Developing Strategies, Taking Action and Measuring Success at Any Sclae: Overview of Basic Practices. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA.
Logan River Restoration
- Logan River Task Force, 2016. Logan River Restoration Conservation Action Plan. Bio-West, Logan, UT. 15 pp.
Conservation Planning Process - NRCS
The standardized Conservation Planning Process from NRCS (2007) is widely used in restoration and conservation planning.
- NRCS, 2007. Chapter 2: Goals, Objectives, and Risk. In: J. Bernard, J. Fripp and K. Robinson (Editors), Stream Restoration Design: Part 654 - National Engineering Handbook. United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington D.C., pp. 34
- Bennett, S., Wheaton, J., Bouwes, N., Shahverdian, S., Macfarlane, W.W. and Portugal, E. 2019. Chapter 3 - Planning for Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration. In: Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes: Design Manual - Version 1.0. Wheaton JM, Bennett S, Shahverdian S, and Maestas JD, (Editors). Utah State University Wheaton Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab. Logan, UT. 57 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15815.75680.
Planning in Restoration
- Bouwes, N., Bennett, S. and Wheaton, J., 2016. Adapting Adaptive Management for Testing the Effectiveness of Stream Restoration: An Intensively Monitored Watershed Example. Fisheries, 41(2): 84-91. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2015.1127806
- Skidmore, P.B., Thorne, C.R., Cluer, B.L., Pess, G.R., Castro, J.M., Beechie, T.J. and Shea, C.C., 2011. Science base and tools for evaluating stream engineering, management, and restoration proposals. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-112, 255 p.
- Yochum, S. E. 2016. Guidance for stream restoration and rehabilitation. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Stream and Aquatic Ecology Center. Technical Note no. TN-102.2, 2016.
Relevant Links
- Bio-West - Consulting firm here in Logan (Daren Olsen)
- Allred Restoration - Consulting firm here in Logan (Tyler Alred)
- City of Logan - Client & Lead on Logan River Restoration